Digital Illustration
(11 to 15 Year-Old)
This course is an introduction to digital painting, character design, sequential arts, and color composition for illustration, film, and animation. This course covers the study of illustration as visual interpretation and helps students develop strategies for communicating content through pictorial narrative. Students will also learn basic software skills to develop digital drawing abilities.
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Digital Illustration - 1
Character Design and Learning the Program
Digital Illustration I introduces students to basic digital software skills while developing drawing abilities in a digital environment. By the end of the term, students will have used all they learned to create their own personal and professional character concepts through the learning animation and illustration pipeline.
Software: Adobe Photoshop
Hardware: Wacom Intuos Drawing Tablet

Digital Illustration - 2
Background / Scene Design
Digital Illustration II will show students how to create a scene, design a character for a scene, develop scene layouts, and position characters within a scene. Students will draw from references and imagination to design backgrounds, character designs, and finished products from concepts. By the end of the term, students will have used everything they have learned to complete a scene that tells a functional story as well as multiple step-by-step concept thumbnails.
Prerequisite: Digital Illustration - Adobe Photoshop 1
Software: Adobe Photoshop
Hardware: Wacom Intuos Drawing Tablet

Digital Illustration - 3
Comic Storyboard / Storytelling
Digital Illustration III takes what was learned in Digital Illustration I and II and explores the concepts of creating a sequential story. Depending on the student’s primary interest, whether it is storyboarding, concepting, or creating comics/graphic novels, students will develop the knowledge for their specific category and focus on repetitive character design, layout development in comic panels, storyboards, and character/item positioning in a scene. By the end of the term, students will have a finished four-panel comic, multiple comic pages that tell a functional story, or five professional keyframes that also tell a sequential story.
Prerequisite: Digital Illustration - Adobe Photoshop 2
Software: Adobe Photoshop
Hardware: Wacom Intuos Drawing Tablet

Digital Art - Independent Project
The class is for students who've finished Concept Art or Animation courses. They'll work on solo or group projects in either Concept Art or Animation, aiming for more ambitious creations. Alongside, they'll receive guidance personalized to their projects, helping them advance their skills further.
Prerequisite: Concept Art 4
Software: Adobe Photoshop
Hardware: Wacom Intuos Drawing Tablet